Viewing checklist for property buyers Sydney

Of course viewing is an exciting part of buying property. But people often do not know what they want. They go to viewings without any checklist of what they need to see in the property. The next time you buy property, do not go unhand. Here are some of the things that should be factored when you buy a property in Sydney.

What’s the neighborhood like?

When purchasing a home, the neighborhood it’s located in is a major consideration that cannot be overlooked. Try to get an in-depth, insider look on the community, because this should fill in the gaps for the decision to purchase. Knowing the neighborhood lets Property buyers agent see if their lifestyle fits in with the rest of the community that lives there. For those who lead an active lifestyle, some valuable things to look for within the neighborhood are recreational options such as a park or a sports court. Those who prefer to be away from the noise of traffic should look for a neighborhood surrounded by lush greens and streets lined with trees.

Is the building structurally sound?

Big cracks are what you are looking for – but you should expect some hairline cracks. Look especially around where extensions join, end-of-terrace walls, and bay windows, all of which can start to fall or bow away from the rest of the house. You’re looking for issues now that you can ask the homeowner or estate agent about and then ask your surveyor to investigate later. But you can only look for what you know; a chartered surveyor with years of experience is trained to spot risks and know what needs attention.

View the property more than once

Even in a fast-moving market, it’s best to go and see the property more than once if possible. The more times you view a house, the more likely you are to spot potential problems. Our research has found that 26% of people viewed their current home once before buying it, 43% twice, 21% three times and 11% four or more times.

We'd recommend viewing the property two to three times, at different times of day, to find out how the light, traffic and surrounding noises change. You might just discover that the quiet, idyllic street you saw at 11am is a busy main commuter route at 6pm.

Are the systems complete and fully functional?

Electrical and plumbing issues are some of the hardest to decipher at first glance, but they are an important consideration in buying a home. Dodgy wiring is yet another dangerous and expensive issue to repair.

Power outlets are another thing that must be identified during viewings to avoid any headaches in the future. Make sure that the home has an adequate number of power points for its size, and that they are in suitable locations.

Which way does the house face?

Where the house face is also important. In winter, during a cloudy day or at night, it is difficult to tell the difference between a north and south facing house or garden – but in summer it can make the difference between a home that is full of light and warmth, and one that is frustratingly dark. Your favourite plants might notice too, and protest by dying. Don’t be shy about taking a compass with you to the viewing – you might have one on your phone. With bi-fold doors all the rage, be aware that in moments of sunshine the solar gain can make the room unbearably warm, so try to visit and spend some time in that room when the sun’s out.

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